There are better things in life than alcohol, but at least alcohol makes up for not having them. As this story unfolds we find the children saddened because they didn't get the Christmas presents they wanted. The book points out to the kid's that life is seldom fair and their mere existence is infringing on their father's desire to live a richer life.
For example this proud dad could be drinking fine brandy instead of cheap beer, and smoking cigars instead of discount cigarettes, if he didn't have to spend his hard earned money on shoes and clothing for these ungrateful little shits.
It alerts the children that DNA testing was never done upon their arrival and they might not even be his. They should be grateful to live in a house in the city instead of on a farm in Hootersville where they would be up at 4 milking the cows like this poor father did.
With the economy in shambles, this book arrives at the perfect moment in history to teach kids their proper place in the pecking order. Order your copy today, before your credit cards are canceled.
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